See the change,
be the change.

In partnership with nonprofit organizations: Special Olympics, the Global Wheelchair Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Food for Families and Coats for Kids, not counting the endless community charities we serve.

Grand Knight
Randy Bermudez

Randy Bermudez is the Grand Knight for Marina Council 4834. He has been a Knight for many years and is excited to lead the council to a year of service and dedication to the parish and school.

He will follow the Knights of Columbus’ four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. He will look to incorporate Catholic men who are interested in making a difference into the organization.

Finally, he looks forward to working with all ministries, the school and the parish.

Knights of Columbus Principles


Presented $1000 scholarship to Dylan Hirt

-The Nazareth House for Retired Priests

-The Knights of Columbus Retirement Fund

-The Claretian Retirement Home for Priests

-Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross

St. Joseph Catholic School annual fundraiser

-Over 3,000 pounds of flour to the Fresno Farmworkers

-The Ukraine Solidarity Fund

-St. Vincent De Paul

-Prayer Breakfast at the Cathedral

-Mexican American Troquero Monument in Venice, CA

The Knights ran three very successful campaigns with the Fresno Farmworkers.

-Coats for Kids: Partnering with Los Angeles Rising, Boys and Girls Club in Hollywood and American Nation Tour Inc. The Knights collected a combination of over 2,000 toys, clothes, sheets, and blankets and were able to transport them to Fresno.

-Fill the Pantry: They partnered with Downtown Fresno Grocery Outlet to distribute food to over 5,000 farmworkers and their families.

-Christmas with the Knights: Six councils partnered serve almost 300 farmworkers and their families. GK Bruce and Lucina Myers, set up hall, decorations, entertainment. The partnerships for this event involved various members of the legal community, nonprofits, Pardini's Catering & banquets, Reyes Bros., and St. pal Catholic Newman Center.

Acknowledgement on websiteg

Recognition at fundraisers

Open Gym

Invitation to benefactor reception


The council celebrated blessed Father Michael J. McGivney Feast Day.

Support fallen Knight's and priests while also making donations to their families.

Adopt a Family and Spaghetti Dinner- GK Joey Vasquez and his wife Carmen, council 3106.

St. Mark's Parish:
-Stations of the Cross

-St. Mark's Food Bank

-At Father Albert van der Woerd's installation as Pastor, the Knights not only donated all the soft drinks, water and beer, they also volunteered all day at the event.

Ladies Brunch for the Officer's Wives

They began a Buddy Program, each Knight is responsible for picking up a Knight that cannot get to the meetings.

Recognition at fundraisers

Invitation to benefactor reception


Brother Councils:
-Adopt a Family and Spaghetti Dinner- GK Joey Vasquez and his wife Carmen, council 3106.

KOC Chapter:
-Donated to Special Olympics

-Donated to American Wheelchair Mission

-Donated to Rancho San Antonio, over $10,000 given on behalf of our Brother John Arias

KOC Assembly:
-Wine Tasting Dinner. We donated, volunteered, and supported

-Faithful navigator Dinner. We donated.

-Independence Day Celebration at the Hollywood Bowl. We donated and supported.

KOC State:
-Hospitality Suite at the State Convention

-Annual donation to the KOC state office

Invitation to benefactor reception


Blue Mass. We joined multiple councils to honor our 911 responders. Brother Miguel Caldas, council 920 was crucial to this event. Our council, not only participated but made a donation.

Donated to Fisher House Foundation for the aid of our Veterans assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment at no charge.

If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself.

Grand Knight
George Arias

Join us.

There is a call deep within each man to go deeper and reach higher to become the man God made him to be. In a world full of challenges, the Knights of Columbus equips men to answer the call.

Meet us


940 Coeur D Alene Ave. Venice, CA 90291

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